Indian Technical Textile Association

Student Membership


Students studying in graduate, Diploma, Postgraduate courses on Textile Engineering/ Technology, Fashion Technology or similar courses related to textiles in any of the Colleges/Institutes/Universities.

Once a student is passed out of the college/institute and join the industry, then they can apply for the Associate Membership of ITTA as per the guidelines.


  1. Assistance on getting Internships and R&D Projects on technical textiles (TT) – ITTA will help students to connect with our technical textile member companies who are into business of any of the TT 13 segments.
  2. Special Discounts will be offered on (i) ITTA’s Executive Development Program (EDP) on technical textile topics (ii) Other Professional Training program conducted by ITTA from time to time, (iii) Delegate registration fees for attending the Conferences/Seminars/Exhibitions organised by ITTA
  3. ITTA will organise Seminar/workshops, on request, with the eminent industry experts on any of the 13 technical textile segments (min group of 20 participants).
  4. Free Annual Subscription to ITTA bi-monthly E-bulletin and Special Discounts on other ITTA publications
  5. Students will receive email notifications on different exhibitions or conferences on Technical Textiles organized by other event organizers.
NoCategory of MembershipEntrance Fees (INR)Annual Fees (INR)GST @ 18% w.e.f. 01-07-2017 (INR)Total (INR)
1Student Membership5005001801,180

Apply for Membership

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